When does the new 3 service schedule begin?

Sunday, October 6

What are the new service times?

8:45 - 10:00 - 11:15

Are these identical services?

Yes, all 3 will be identical. Same worship team, same worship songs, same message, and same preacher.

Will nursery, pre-school, and kingdom kids happen during all 3 services?

Nursery, pre-school, and kingdom kids will be offered during the 10 and 11:15 service, but NOT during the 8:45.

When will youth meet?

Youth currently meets after the 10:30 service. Youth will now meet after the 11:15 service from 12:30-2:00pm.

My growth group meets on Sunday. Will my group meeting time change with the new 3 service schedule?

Probably, we have given our group leaders freedom to be able to choose when their group meets. If you talk to your leader they will let you know.

Will there still be a volunteer huddle on Sunday mornings?

Yes, there will actually be 2 different huddles. There will be a huddle at 8:15 in the lobby for those serving during the 8:45 service and an additional huddle in the kingdom kids area at 9:30 for those serving at the later services.

This is exciting, what can I do to help with the 3 service transition?

Great question, Pastor Nate shared at the 3 service announcement that it would be great if we could have another 10-12 people join a serve teams. We have 140 people that serve somewhere right now, but if we had another 10-12 that would be great.

You can learn more about serving RIGHT HERE.

Also, if you could come to either the 8:45 or the 11:15 service, that would allow us to have more room at the 10:00am, which we anticipate will be the most popular.

Transitioning from 2 - 3 services put more on Pastor Nate and the worship team. Do we think they have the capacity for 3 services?

Great question. In our research we learned there are actually thousands of churches around the country that do 3 (and sometimes more) services on a Sunday in a healthy way. With that, we also learned there are certain things pastors and worship teams do to be able to have the capacity for 3 services. Some of those things include intentional vocal warmups, adequate rest the night before, hydration, breaks, etc. We care more about “how” people are doing than “what” people are doing, so we are going to regularly check-in and make adjustments in the future if needed.