What is it? Who is it for? Should I be baptized?
1. It’s a Command
Jesus commanded in Matthew 28, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Baptism is not optional to Jesus, it’s a command for every Christian.
Baptism is a command given to those who have trusted in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Therefore, baptism is not an option for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, but rather baptism is something that should be done by followers of Jesus as an act of obedience to the commands of scripture. This command allows a believer to make an outward sign or expression of obedience of the faith they have in Jesus Christ.
2. It’s a Sign
Baptism is a public profession of your faith in Jesus Christ and that you have dedicated your life to Him. It’s a sign that puts the gospel on display for all to see. When you are put underneath the water it represents the burial of Jesus Christ and when you’re raised up out of the water it represents the resurrection of Jesus. It is an outward sign of an inward change that happened in your life, because of what Jesus has done for you.
3. It’s a Celebration
It’s a celebration of the new life we have in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
1. It’s not necessary for salvation
We believe that baptism is an outward symbol of an inward reality. In other words, baptism shows you and others what God has already done on the inside. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
2. It’s not for perfect people
There is not a standard you have to meet before you get baptized. The only thing is that you have completely trusted your life to Jesus Christ, that He is your lord and savior and that you are no longer living for yourself but living for Him.
3. It doesn’t add anything to your salvation
Baptism is simply a public profession. It’s an outward sign of an inward reality. It doesn’t make you closer to God nor make you a better part of the church.
At FCC we practice believer’s baptism, not infant baptism. Believer’s baptism means getting baptized after you have trusted in Christ and made a profession of faith to follow Him. In reading the new testament, we find baptism continually practiced AFTER and individual has repented and placed their faith in Jesus Christ. This means that if you have trusted in Christ and confessed Him as Savior and Lord, then you can and should be baptized.
In light of looking at what baptism is and is not, that leads us to answer the question of why should a person be baptized? Here are three reasons to be baptized:
•To obey the commands of Christ in the New Testament
•To follow Christ’s example in being baptized
•To show that I am a follower of Christ
Baptism is not merely a responsibility in the life of a believer, but rather it is also a privilege in the life of a believer. Baptism is an opportunity to put on display and give evidence to the fact that you have decided to follow Jesus.
If your baptism was prior to you placing your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, then you should be baptized. This means that if you were baptized as an infant and your baptism was not a response to your own saving faith in Jesus, then this was not actually baptism and we would encourage you to get baptized for the first time.
The Greek word for Baptism is “Baptizo” which means immerse or submerge. This definition fits with Jesus’ baptism as well as all of the baptisms we see John the Baptist performing. Therefore, our mode of baptism that we find to be the most biblical is submerging you fully into water.