We think serving is awesome, but don’t take our word for it. Check out what some of our incredible volunteers say in the video below.
Signing up for a serve team is one of the best ways to get involved at FCC, we’ll help you find the perfect team so you can serve where you’re best gifted.
We believe that we are better than me, and through our serve teams we see the power of teamwork.
We are looking forward to you joining a serve team and, together, making Jesus known!
You can find some of our serve opportunities below.
Welcome team
This team has the opportunity to welcome our guests and church partners with the same love and acceptance that we find in the gospel. The welcome team offers a variety of opportunities to serve before and during our Sunday gatherings.
Our loving and caring nursery provides a safe and secure environment for the little ones while their parents are in the service. If you're a lady and think this would be a good fit, we'd love to have you join the team!
Pre-school and Kingdom kids TEAM
We believe the next generation is not the church of tomorrow, but the church of today. Our children’s ministry workers get the unique opportunity to love, care, and invest in the next generation that will change the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our media team works behind the scenes to help people hear, see, and experience the gospel of Jesus Christ in our services. This growing team works hard to make sure our services run smooth each week!
Facilities TEAM
Do you like to fix things or do you enjoy working on landscaping? Well, we have a team to fit you! Whether you lean more to building maintenance or outdoor landscaping or somewhere in between we can get you plugged in! This is a perfect role for somebody that has extra time during the week.
Admin assist and care team (AACT)
The AACT team is FCC's newest team. They provide congregational care and administration tasks behind the scenes every other Wednesday. This is the perfect role for someone who is more introverted and can commit to serving a couple hours every month.