A 40-day Spiritual Growth Campaign
January 12 - February 20
Growing Deeper is a 40-day spiritual growth campaign designed just for you to help you grow deeper in your faith journey and get to know Jesus better. Below you’ll find resources, information, the digital journal, and everything you need to maximize the next 40 days! After you sign up the first thing you’ll need is your 40 days of growing deeper journal. You can find THE DIGITAL PDF JOURNAL HERE or the EDITABLE DIGITAL JOURNAL HERE , or a physical copy at the next steps and information table on a Sunday.
“Imagine what God can do in your life if you committed yourself to grow deeper in your faith for 40 days?”
What will we do over the next 40 days?
Our faith grows as we give it attention and are intentional to cultivate the rhythms that God has designed to grow our faith. During this campaign, we will focus on those rhythms. You’ll also have a couple of bonus rhythms each week that aren’t “required”, but would be very helpful for you to maximize this campaign.
Weekly Rhythms:
• Sunday corporate worship (church)
• Community (growth group)
Daily Rhythms:
• Daily Scripture reading (a couple chapters a day)
• Daily Prayer
• Daily Repentance
A weekly spiritual growth assignment
Why is this campaign 40 days?
In scripture 40 days is a number of testing, maturing, or preparation. We are praying that God would use the next 40 days to mature us as we grow deeper.
A few examples:
-During the flood it rained for 40 days and nights
-Moses was in the wilderness for 40 days before He led the children of Isreal out of Egypt
-The Isrealites wandered in the desert for 40 years before they went into the promise land
-Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness for 40 days
The details of how to use this campaign:
1. The pdf journal is designed to be your daily resource that will guide you. The editable digital journal is available here.
2. Before you read (or listen to) the Scripture, ask God to speak to your heart. Turn off distractions and look for one thing you can “take home” from what you read. Take your time and as God speaks to your heart, write it down in this journal. A Bible app like You Version or a prayer app like Prayer Mate may be helpful. During this campaign we will read through the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are the books of the bible that are all about Jesus.
3. One of the daily assignments is daily “repentance”. This means that you ask God to search your heart and reveal a sin that you may have committed, confess that to Him. We don’t confess our sins to God because God is mad at us, rather, we confess our sins to God because we want to live lives that are pleasing to Him.
4. 15 minutes a day is all you should need for this campaign.
5. As you complete each rhythm, you can check it off on the “weekly guide”.
6. SHARE with somebody what God is teaching you through out this campaign – perhaps with a family member, somebody in your Growth Group, or on your social media. If you have an Instagram, “tag us” @SuisunChurch.
7. You’ll want to officially sign up for 40 days of growing deeper as we’ll send out regular 40 days of growing deeper updates plus everybody that signs up and completes 40 days of growing deeper will get the 2025 FCC t-shirt.
Additional Resources that we have found helpful
Many of the resources below and several other resources can be found using RIGHT NOW MEDIA. If you don’t have a free right now media account that our church makes available let us know HERE.
General Christian Living:
Gentle and Lowly Podcast by Dane Ortland
Rhythms for Life with Gabe and Rebekah Lyons
Marriage after God with Aaron and Jennifer Smith
Christian Womanhood:
Christian Manhood: